I’m not a Linux guru, but I was asked to get the latest version of the Receiver for Linux to work on a device running Ubuntu (32-bit).
Apparently, if you follow the instructions provided by citrix, you’ll never succeed due important information is missing.
So after almost a week of troubleshooting, we managed to get to it work. Here follows what we did…

First of all, Let’s go ahead and download the Receiver 13 for 32-bit Linux (deb files) from here and install it by issuing the following:

1. Log on as a privileged (root) user.
2. Open a terminal window.
3. Run the installation by typing: dpkg -i packagename.deb
4. Install any missing dependencies by typing: sudo apt-get -f install
5. Install the USB support package using the same run commands as above

Now your receiver is installed but not functional at all, unfortunately!

To get it working you need to proceed with the following:

  • Download the root certificate as DER format and convert it to PEM format by issuing following commands:
    $ openssl x509 -in “YourRoot.der” -inform DER -out “YourRoot.pem” -outform PEM
  • Copy the converted certificate “YourRoot.pem” in ICAClient working directory by issuing
    $ cp YourRoot.pem /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/
  • Finally compile the certificate that you have just copied by typing:
    $ c_rehash /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/

At the terminal prompt, type /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/selfservice and press Enter (where /opt/Citrix/ICAClient is the directory in which you installed the Receiver and it should pop up, then try enrolling it.


There is a bug in this Linux Receiver Version “13” when launching sessions through the NSG/AG and having StoreFront configured to request backend resources using two STA’s.
So if the Receiver gets two STA tickets in the ICA file you’ll not be able to launch any apps, instead you’ll get the following erorr message:

Cannot Contact server for application “name of application”
Server browser command contains an invalid parameter.
The server name cannot be resolved

Open your ICA file and you should see something like this:

To work around this: Use just one STA on Storefront!


Sometimes you may receive (SSL error 61) when lunching apps:
“You have not chosen to trust”/C=US/ST=/L=/O=Equifax/OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority/CN=”, the issuer of the server’s security certificate (SSL error 61)

Solve this by typing the following:

sudo ln -s /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/* /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts